Organization Settings & Report Download
Organisation Settings
This is the first step that has to be done by the admin of the organization after logging in for the first time. From here you do the initial settings for the organization.
- Allow attendance regularization
This option allows admin to enable or disable attendance regularization at organization level. If it’s disabled then managers or admins can’t regularize the attendance.
- Attendance Unit Settings
This setting displays all the doors or devices which have attendance enabled. These devices are set by Spintly installation partners during setup.
User Management
- Leave / Holiday Management:
By clicking on “Leave / Holiday Management”, a list of all the leaves and holidays that the user is eligible for will appear.
The admin can select ‘Apply leave’ to assign a leave to the user and ‘Assign Discretionary holiday’ to assign a holiday.
Note: Leave and Discretionary Holiday has to be approved by the admin or manager via the Spintly app.
Attendance tab is available when you have the attendance devices enabled. It allows you to manage your organizations attendance settings and get the different types of reports.
- The attendance of the users is available in Daily, Weekly / Monthly and Calendar view.
- The admin can use the “Filters” option to generate specific data and create filtered reports.
- These reports can also be downloaded in Excel or PDF format.

Daily View:
Shows the attendance list for that day. By using filters, admin can get the attendance for any day. This report can also be downloaded in excel as well as PDF form.
Status and Remarks on the Attendance Screen:
- A – Absent
This means the user was absent for the entire day.
- R – Regularized
This means the attendance of the user has been regularized for the entire day.
- P : A – Present : Absent
This means that the user had fulfilled his minimum hours for the 1st half of the day but not the second. Hence, he gets marked as present for the first half and absent for the second. This can also happen vice versa.
- AR
When the minimum hours are not fulfilled even after regularising the attendance.
- R : A – Regularize : Absent
It means that the user’s attendance was regularized for the first half, while he was absent for the second half and vice versa.
- CL : R – Leave (casual) : Regularized
It means that the user was on leave for the first half of the day, while his attendance was regularized for the second half.
Weekly / Monthly View:
Displays the attendance for the recent past week. Admin can filter the data for any week or month or period. This report can be downloaded in pdf or excel form. The Excel form provides a detailed or an overall attendance report.
Calendar View:
Displays the data for that particular month. Using filters, admin can see the data of any month. This report can also be downloaded in the Excel or pdf form. Admin can also download the Overtime (OT) Report in Excel.
LOP Data:
Details of the Absent leaves, Unpaid leaves and Total LOP days of each user can be seen in this tab. This can also be filtered based on the Month that the admin wants to see the data for by selecting the icon on the top right corner of the page.