Type 5 integration
Table of Contents
Make sure you have gone through the Spintly Integration Overview section, as that section will help you understanding the spintly platform and the types of integration. Please note the Type 5 integration will always go hand in hand with Type 3 integration. Also the below functionality are already available in Spintly partner website and Spintly partner app. The functionality which are available in Spintly partner website is available via apis and functionalities which are available in spintly partner app are available as a sdk to the client. Please note if you are doing this integration you will need both the app and website, this integration can be used in below combination
- Use Spintly Partner apis to create/delete devices gateways etc and use Spintly partner app to configure the devices
- Use Spintly Partner apis to create/delete devices gateways etc and incorporate Spintly partner sdk in your app to configure the devices
Use Case for Integration
This integration is normally used when an exisiting access control client wants to integrate spintly devices with thier platform, this integration normaly goes hand in hand with type 3 integration
Live example:
This solution in combination with type 3 integration is already live and implemented by lot of our indian customers namely godrej
The features to be offered in this integration
Features | Available |
Steps to get up and running
As mentioned above Type 5 integration will always go hand in hand with Type 3, Type 5 integration cannot standalone exists
Please refer the following link to get up and running along with type 6 integration
Spintly Apis
Please keep the below diagram in mind while going through the apis
Following are the apis
- Oauth apis
- Create Organisations
- Create Site
- Delete Site
- Create Network
- Delete Network
- Add Access point
- Delete Access point
- Add gateway
1) Ouath Api
Spintly uses oauth 2.0 client credential flow for authorization purpose, here in the api the client just has to put a clientid and clientSecret to get an access token, this access token can then be used to access other apis of Spintly.

2) Create Organisation
Spintly uses oauth 2.0 client credential flow for authorization purpose, here in the api the client just has to put a clientid and clientSecret to get an access token, this access token can then be used to access other apis of Spintly. As shown in the spintly resources chart, when you create an organistion a site and a network under the site is created


3) Create Site
This api is responsible for creating a new site under an organisations, this api needs to be called
whenever client opens a new branch or center in a new location

4) Delete Site
This api is responsible for creating a new site under an organisations, this api needs to be called
whenever client opens a new branch or center in a new location

5) Create Network
This api is responsible for creating a new network under a site, say suppose there is 10 floor
building, and the company has occupied two floors one on the 1st floor and one on the ninth floor,
that time we create one network for 1st floor and one network we create for 9th floor

6) Delete Network
This api is responsible for deleting existing network

As mentioned in the “Spintly Software Resource” section, access point is nothing but a door, Spintly allows readers to be installed in different configurations:
- Entry and Exit reader: if a door need entry as well as exit reader
- Entry and REX: if door needs to have only an entry reader and on exit exit button(REX)
- Clock-in device: In this configuration device is not attached to a door, it just attached to wall, this kind configuration is used for attendance purpose where employees can can check in and checkout
- Door Lock
Type of Configuration | Values to be put in the api |
Entry and Exit reader | 1 |
Entry and REX | 2 |
Clock-in device: | 5 |
Door Lock | 6 |
Installation method: Here there are two kinds of installation method
- New Install: This is a brand new installation method, where it a reader needs to be attached to a new door
Retrofit Install: This kind of installation where in the existing reader of another 3rd party is removed and instead Spintly reader is put
Installation method | Values to be put in the api |
New Install | 1 |
Retrofit type 1 | 2 |
Retrofit type 1 | 3 |
Locking mechanism: Here Spintly has the following locking mechanism
- Door with mag lock
- Door with strike lock
- Boom barrier or Sliding gate
Locking mechanism | Values to be put in the api |
Door with mag lock | 1 |
Door with strike lock | 2 |
Boom barrier or Sliding gate | 3 |
Device Type
- entry
- exit
- sc_controller
- mc_controller
Device Type | Values to be put in the api |
Entry | 1 |
Exit | 2 |
SC_controller | 3 |
MC_controller | 4 |
SerialNumber: All the readers have a serial number attached to it at the bottom, the user needs to enter the same when creating the access point

Please note once the access point is added, it can be in one of the following states
Status | Description | Can be assigned permissions to the user |
create_pending | When a access point is created, the initial status will be always be “create_pending” | Cannot be used |
ready_pending | This means the access point is created successfully, only that it needs to configured via spintly partner app | Cannot be used |
alive_pending | Device is in process of getting configured | Cannot be used |
in_sync | Access point is ready and can be used | Can be used |
update_pending | Access point name is updated or some setting of access point is updated | Can be used |
delete_pending | Here the Access point is in process of being deleted | Cannot be used |
NOTE: Once the access points are added, the readers under the access points needs to be configured using the Spintly mobile based partner application
7a) Add Access point as entry and rex configuration

7b) Add Access point as entry and exit configuration

8) Add Controller
Adding of controller is similar to adding of access point. Spintly has 2 types of controller ie
- Single door Controller
- Two Door Controller
Spintly allows controller to be installed in different configurations:
- Entry Reader + Door Controller
- Door Controller + REX
Type of Configuration | Values to be put in the api |
Entry Reader + Door Controller | 3 |
Door Controller + REX | 4 |
Locking mechanism: Here Spintly has the following locking mechanism
- Door with mag lock
- Door with strike lock
Locking mechanism | Values to be put in the api |
Door with mag lock | 1 |
Door with strike lock | 2 |
8a) Add Single Door Controller as Door Controller + REX configuration

8b) Add Single Door Controller as Entry Reader + Door Controller configuration

8c) Add Two Door Controller with one channel enabled

8d) Add Two Door Controller with two channel enabled

8e) Configuring the access point
Once the access point or controller is added, it needs to be configured using Spintly partner app

9) Delete Access point and Controller
Before deleting the access point/controller via the api we need to reset the devices under it using spintly partner app

Same api will be used to delete the access points and controller, please note delete of access point wont happened if the device is not reseted using the partner app

10) Add Gateway
This api is responsible for creating a new gateway, just like how a reader has a serial number will attached bottom of the gateway, just like the access point it needs to be under a network and it needs to be configured using Spintly partner app

10e) Configure Gateway

11) Delete Gateway
Before deleting the gateway, we need to reset the gateway from the partner app, make sure the gateway is online(ie connected to gateway)

This api is responsible for deleting a gateway, just make sure the gateway is first reseted using the Spintly partner app