Steps to get up and running (Type 1 integration)
This section will be walk you through in detail how to start with the type 1 integration
- Make sure you have a Spintly account created for you, if account is not created please contact our sales team(
- Once the account is created, make sure you have you have signedup and logged in to spintly dashboard

3) Next thing is to obtain the spintly clientid, clientSecret, as of now this feature of getting clientid.clientsecret is not available in spintly dashboard, please go to the spintly help and support and request for the clinetid and clientsecret for you account ( . Also request for the postman collection of all the apis available(this feature of getting postman collection also will be available in the dashboard)
4) Once you have obtain the postman collection and clientid, clientsecret, make sure you download postman and import the postman collection shared (go to file> import and upload the postman collection shared)

5) In the postman collection uploaded, go to the ouath token part, put the clientid and clientsecret and click send

6) Copy the token, go to create user api, for createing user you will need few things from spintly, that is the homesite, rolesid ie which role the user needs to get assigned and finaly the access pointids, so
for homesiteid, you need to call the sites api to get the siteid

for access pointids, you need to call the access points api

for roleids you need to call the formdata api

7) Now that you got the roleid, siteid and access pointid, next you can call create user api

8) You can verify the user if it is created, by going to user management section of the dashboard (

9) The user whose phone number/email has been added needs to go to playstore/app store and download the app
playstore link:
appstore link:
10) Once the app is downloaded make sure u signup and login and do an access

11) Once the user has done access, the person access history will be shown in the dashboard