Spintly Platform Integrations
Sending access data from Spintly to third parties
Sending access data from Spintly to third parties
Automatically push events data to a third-party system via a webhook, This is included in the type 1 and type 2 integration, In this integration when a person does a swipe, the event can be forwarded a client backend provided the client has given an http url and an x-api-key, below is one of the same access events which can be forwarded
"messageVersion": 1,
"messageData": {
"requestId": "e5e26bf5-502b-410a-ac1e-e3cf570bc5f3",
"msgType": "access_event",
"dataVersion": 1,
"data": {
"orgId": 3775,
"integratorId": 45,
"orgUserId": 471759,
"eventTimeEpoch": 1723042077,
"timezonedEventTime": "2024-08-07T20:17:57+05:30",
"direction": "entry/exit",
"accessType": "card/mobile/fingerprint",
"forAccess": true,
"forAttendance": false,
"eventId": 1189780,
"accessPointId": 7854,
"employeeCode": "firePanel",
"siteName": "my new site",
"accessPointName": "Main door",
"siteId": 123,
"accessorId": 12321,
"mobileAccessMode": "clickToAccess/tapToAccess/proximity/mobileNfcAcces",
"attributes": [
"id": 433,
"name": "Department",
"termId": 2127,
"termName": "Operations"
"email": "abc@newUser.com",
"name": "abc user",
"siteLocation": "site1",
"phone": "+91487254574"
Steps to configure
- Make sure you have a Spintly account created for you, if account is not created please contact our sales team(sales@spintly.com)
- Once the account is created, make sure you have you have signedup and logged in to spintly dashboard
- In the side bar go to integrations and you will see the below page
- Click on Custom Integration and enter the following details
- Select the access point of which you want the events forwarded of
- Once access point is selected please click on submit
- Go to the reader , do an access and see if the access event is forwarded to the url provided by you