Examples of how to use type 3 with your application
Examples of how to use type 3 with your application
Before you go through this article make sure you have familiarize yourself with the spintly type 3 apis, if you have not please visit the following two links
- In depth explanation of all the apis spintly provides with type3 - click here to visit the page
- Steps to get up and running with type3 integration - click here to visit the page
Example 1:
Say you are an existing access control company which already have your own access control software, you might be integrated with other access control hardware etc, now you want to integrate with spintly. Your website looks like something below

Below is the small functionality of the website
As you can in the above website you have two sections
- User Management
a) Adding user along with granting door permission
b) View Door Permissions
c) Deleting Users
- Door Management
a) View users assigned to a door
b) Assign users to a door
Below are the tables which might be present in your backend to show the above data
Company table
id | name |
1 | Acme |
2 | SpaceY |
3 | elloit |
Locations table
id | name |
1 | Mumbai |
2 | Dubai |
3 | New York |
Roles table
id | name |
1 | Admin |
2 | EndUser |
Users table
id | companyid | uniqueid | name | roleId | locationId | |
1 | 1 | #rwe3333 | JaneDoe | janedoe@example.com | 1 | 1 |
2 | 2 | #rrwer222 | johnDoe | johndoe@example.com | 2 | 2 |
Doors table
id | name |
1 | Door 1 |
2 | Door 2 |
3 | Door 3 |
4 | Door 4 |
So if you website has similar functionalities, below steps will show what apis and changes you will need to do to integrate with spintly
The tables will look like this
Company table
id | name | spintlyOrgId |
1 | Acme | 11 |
2 | SpaceY | 222 |
3 | elloit | 333 |
Locations table
id | name | spintlySiteId |
1 | Mumbai | 1001 |
2 | Dubai | 1002 |
3 | New York | 1003 |
SpintlyBackendDetails table
spintlyBackendClientid | spintlyBackendClientSecret | spintlyAccessToken | spintlyrefreshToken |
a21a2cca-1220-4619-93f1-e26708dde8f0 | 0c444884-c697-4d36-9dc4-81a97c53d56c |
spitnlySDKproviderId | spintlySDKCLientId |
6b848c17-56df-418d-8a0f-42a6c0508b7f | 188803c4-c3dd-4a45-a32b-2f31861c45cd |
Users table
id | companyid | uniqueid | name | roleId | locationId | spintlyAccessorid | |
Doors table
(Here SpintlyAccessPointId can be populated by providing spintly a webhook, whenever a new door is added, the same door details can be forwarded to yourbackend and you map it to your door)
id | name | spintlyAccessPointId |
1 | Door 1 | 23 |
2 | Door 2 | 34 |
3 | Door 3 | 44 |
4 | Door 4 | 45 |
Adding user along with granting door permission

Here when the user is getting created he will be mentioning his user info along with door permissions, here in the above image, alan simth details are added, also what door permissions alan smith needs to be given ir door2 and door3 are also specified. So when this requests hits client backend, the user first will be created
Users table
id | companyid | uniqueid | name | roleId | locationId | spintlyAccessorid | |
1 | 1 | #rwe3333 | John Doe | john.doe@example.com | 1 | 1 | 123 |
2 | 2 | #rrwer222 | Jane Smith | jane.smith@example.com | 2 | 2 | 133 |
3 | 1 | #fdfdfffff | Alan Smith | alan.smith@exmple.com | 1 | 1 |
Before you call Spintly Create accessor api you will first have to get a acess token using the spintlyclientid and spintlyclientSecret mentioned in the SpintlyBackendDetails table, the api will return an access token and refresh token

the access token, refresh token which the api returns needs to saved in the SpintlyBackendDetails table
SpintlyBackendDetails table
spintlyBackendClientid | spintlyBackendClientSecret | spintlyAccessToken | spintlyrefreshToken |
a21a2cca-1220-4619-93f1-e26708dde8f0 | 0c444884-c697-4d36-9dc4-81a97c53d56c | eyJhbGciOiJSUzI | eGPTxWd5H |
Now using spintlyAccessToken you can call the create accessor api

Explantation: Here orgid you can get from companies table,credentialid to be put if card is assigned, if not please keep it null
permissionsToAdd will contain permission the user needs to get, in the image the user is given permissions to Door 2 and Door 3 which has 34 and 44 access point id mapped in the Doors table, so you will put an array of permissions ie 34 and 44
In the identityInfo object, for provider put spitnlySDKproviderId from the SpintlyMobileDetails table and for sub please put uniqueid value from users table. once you call the api you will get a accessorId, which you will have to put for the value of spintlyAccessorid in Users table

id | companyid | uniqueid | name | roleId | locationId | spintlyAccessorid | |
1 | 1 | #rwe3333 | John Doe | john.doe@example.com | 1 | 1 | 123 |
2 | 2 | #rrwer222 | Jane Smith | jane.smith@example.com | 2 | 2 | 133 |
3 | 1 | #fdfdfffff | Alan Smith | alan.smith@exmple.com | 1 | 1 | 14257 |
Once the user is created in the table you can call spintly create accessor api, while calling spintly api, you will have to spintlyorgid(this you can get from company table above), the spintly access point ids(this you can get from doors table above) and the sub(this you can give the value uniquqId field from users table)
View Door Permissions

If you want to show the door permissions your front will have to call your backend api passing the userid,companyid, once the backend api gets the userid, it will take the associated accessorId mapped and call spintly get permission apis as mentioned below, using the companyId you can get the organisationId. using both these values you can call the get permissions of an accessor apis
Note: the token process will be the same as shown when creating a user

Once you get the response, you can convert the accessorid back to userid and the accesspointid in the response should be converted to doorids and return the response to the ui
Alternatively. You can maintain a table of which user has which permissions and periodically sync it up with spintly as shown as below
Permissions table
id | userId | doorId |
1 | 3 | 34 |
Deleting Users
When a deleting user, the website will be passing userid via api to the backend

using the userid, the accessorid can be got and using the accessorid, you can call the delete accessor api

Note spintly also provides an another api to delete accessor from an organisations, incase if accessor is part of multiple organisaitons
id | companyid | uniqueid | name | roleId | locationId | spintlyAccessorid | |
1 | 1 | #rwe3333 | John Doe | john.doe@example.com | 1 | 1 | 123 |
2 | 2 | #rrwer222 | Jane Smith | jane.smith@example.com | 2 | 2 | 133 |
View users assigned to a door
Below if you click on view users assigned, it shows all the users assigned to the door

Similar like previous apis, the frontend will send backend the doorId, using the doorId we will get the spintlyAccessPointId, using the spintly access point id, we can call spintly get permissions api

As you can see in the response it returns an arrray of permissions of each accessor for that accesspointid, this accessorid can be converted to userid and the permissions can be shown to the ui
Assign users to a door
On click of Assign users, you can assign more users to a door

As like before the front end will be sending the backend the userids of the users to who the permissions needs to be assigned, the companyId and doorid also will be sent , the userids can be converted to accessorids, the companyid will be converted to organisaitonId and doorId will be converted to access point id and spintly assign users to acess point api can be called