Setup for Microsoft Azure AD SCIM with Spintly
Table of Contents

We aim to provide a seamless experience for migration of users and groups from Microsoft Azure AD to Spintly.
Please ensure that you have an active Microsoft Azure AD Account along with Super Admin access to the Spintly Portal.
Note: Microsoft Azure AD is now known as Microsoft Entra ID.
Fetching Tenant URL and Secret Token
1. Log in to Spintly SAAMs Portal and navigate to the Integrations module.

2. Select the site to be selected.
⚠️ Once site is selected, it cannot be further edited.

3. The Tenant URL and Secret Token will be displayed which needs to be copied.

3. Secret Token will be utilized in the next steps, when configuring Azure with Spintly.
Azure Enterprise Application Setup
1. Go to Enterprise applications in Microsoft AD Entra ID and click on “Create your own application”.

2. Enter the name as “Spintly-SCIM”, select “Integrate any other application you don't find in the gallery (non-gallery)” and click “Create”.

Configuring Azure with Spintly Portal
1. Under this application, go to “Provisioning” section and click “Get Started”.

3. Once the connection is working, click the save button. Go back to the Provisioning page and Select Provisioning from the left side bar.

4. Under mapping, open “Provision Microsoft Entra ID Groups” and change Enabled status to “No”.
5. Next, got to “Provision Microsoft Entra ID Users” and Keep the following attribute mappings. Please delete the rest.
userName active displayName emails[type eq "work"].value name.givenName
name.familyName name.formatted

6. “userPrincipalName” should be the Microsoft Entra ID Attribute for emails[type eq “work”].value
Provision Test User
1. Go to users and groups section and click on Add User/Group.

2. Add the required users to the Application. Once done, Go back to overview page and Start Provisioning.
3. If you want to test with one user, you can click on Provisioning on demand and select the user you want to provision to test the integration.

User List in Spintly
Once the Microsoft Azure Setup has been configured, all the users from MS AD will be imported into the Spintly Portal.